05 April 2016

Day 2333 – Grayson’s Journey

Today is a milestone day. Today marks the 200th day that Grayson has skied since his injury in 2009.

In November of 2009, we had no idea if Grayson would ever walk again – he was a writhing mass in ICU in the aftermath of a brain injury so severe that life itself was a question mark. Yes, he is still severely cognitively handicapped. He still requires round-the-clock attention. That will not go away. But he doesn’t simply exist – he is enjoying life! He laughs, he listens, and he skis. Oh, how he skis! When he skis, he is like a bird on wings, freed from the bonds of his injury. He is so fun to watch. His form isn’t perfect, but he can go just about anywhere on the mountain – and go he does! 58 days last year, and 43 days so far this season and it isn’t over yet!

It would be inappropriate of me not to give credit to Disabled Sports Eastern Sierra, its founder Kathy Copeland, Mark Spieler, the wizard of all things that slide on snow, Cara Leonard who asked all of the right questions when I first called, and Laurel Martin who always knows the appropriate answer. For all of your work, counsel, education, and flexibility in dealing with us these past 6 seasons, Regina and I are eternally grateful. To all of the other staff, interns and volunteers that give their time to ski with us, you all hold a special place in our hearts. Thank you seems inadequate. I will just say the we love you all – because we do!

For all who have kept Grayson in their prayers, and who have not forgotten him, thank you! This is a long road, and we have only traveled the first leg. It is a journey, not a destination!

