17 September 2012

Day 1037 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends,

Grayson's cold continues to wear on him. He was low energy, slow in responding, and required extra cueing all day.

He is also in a phase that I haven't seen in a long time. He keeps repeating words. Today if I asked him a yes or no question, he answered with a repeated "yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah".

If I asked more open ended questions he answered with unintelligible mumbling. Even if I started the sentence for him he had more trouble completing it than usual.

Grayson also had difficulty staying seated for activities (including meals). He kept standing up and was not able to express why. It doesn't appear to be the typical exiting behavior that we see when he doesn't want to do an activity since he never turns down a meal or snack.

No one knows exactly why this type of day comes around. It's the kind of day that feels like much of the progress is washed away. We'll just have to wait and see what tomorrow brings.

By the way, despite frequent cleaning of hands and disinfecting surfaces throughout the day Grayson, Danielle, and I are all sharing this delightful end of summer cold and cough. My guess is the cold is contributing to his low energy. No one likes doing things when you have a cold.

Stay healthy my friends,


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