16 January 2011

Day 427 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

Grayson and I were the designated shoppers for groceries this week. Grayson is good company at the grocery store, and he does a great job of following me with the grocery cart!

Tonight we had a house full of activity. Austin and Xixi came by along with Austin's buddy from both high school and USC – Ankur. Ankur was also Grayson's roommate for a year at USC, so the ties are thick! Dinner for 6 pulled together in a short time – not bad teamwork at the Reed Haus!

Austin's jaw is sore, but healing nicely. We were glad to see that his injury did not appear to affect the areas where the jaw was broken in 2007 (in three places).

Grayson did well with all of the excitement. It was a great end to the weekend. (Yes, most people really do work tomorrow!)



1 comment:

  1. Hi Brant and Regina:

    ...In Redding, on our way to Tigard tomorrow. What a great time in SoCal!

    No...I don't work tomorrow! Na...NaNa...NaaaNa!

    In Him,

