17 September 2010

Day 306 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

Today was a big day for Grayson – his last full day at CNS in Bakersfield. Regina spent the day with him at the clinic shadowing every therapy session. This was to complete the handoff, receive last minute advice from each therapist and counselor, and transition Grayson to home care.

When we arrived this morning, the receptionist welcomed us, and then pointed to the wreath hanging in front of her station. She said that this was a gift from Grayson who had made it in his occupational therapy sessions. She said that she would reluctantly give it back to us, but that she really liked it. That was an easy decision – we let her keep the wreath.

The day was an emotional one, as person after person came up to Grayson, wished him well and gave him a hug. There was a farewell party for Grayson at the clinic that was attended by the staff and patients toward the end of the clinic day. There was a special cake and ice cream for all, and Grayson received a card signed by the therapists and staff as well as the gift of a USC sweatshirt.

Grayson went for his last bus ride back to the residence while Regina and I met with the staff and case manager to receive our discharge package. We caught up with Grayson, tonight's RA, and the activities director at a restaurant for dinner. Rounding out this evening's group was Grayson's primary RA who was on her day off. She attended the dinner on her own personal time. It was a heartwarming evening, complete with balloons and another signed card. It was our last time to break bread together with these dedicated individuals after so much shared experience.

Grayson was well liked and well cared for at CNS. Perhaps even more important, he was treated with respect. The experience we had here was truly special given the circumstances. We were led to the right place, and we trust that we will be led again to the right place for us to continue the journey.




  1. Hi Brant and Regina:

    Just got home from a trip to Tenn/NC/SC....it is good to be home! And Grayson is going to say "It is GOOD to be HOME" as well!!!! Hooray! The past 306 days has been an adventure of God-sized proportion, and it really is just moving into the "next" phase, as the relearning and work will continue. I pray for Grayson's continued progress, and for your special care for him, and for his special love for you guys. May the 'Journey' continue to be a fruitful work of God's grace and mercy.

    In Him,

