25 January 2011

Day 436 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

Grayson woke up slow as molasses again this morning. When he is like this it is like he is in a thick fog. It takes several hours to get him to do much more than be led around. After enough time passes he gets back to Grayson's "new" normal. Today he was fully alert when he arrived home from the clinic.

Grayson and I made a quick market run to pick up some things that we forgot yesterday. When we got home we tossed a tri-tip on the grill. While the rest of the nation is in the grips of a cold snap, it is sunny and warm here during the day, and not too cold at night. So why not cook outside? That will probably change soon, but we are enjoying it while we have it!

Grayson was a little excited this evening – perhaps he was wound a bit tight – so that bedtime was a bit more challenging than usual. He eventually wound down and went to sleep, but not without a few visits by the motion sensor, alerting us that he was exiting his room!




  1. Late start waking up, and late start winding down. I hope he's back on a normal time line tomorrow.

  2. Hi Brant and Regina:

    ....maybe he was trying to digest that "State of the Union" address we heard last night, like many of us were!

    In Him,

