11 August 2011

Day 634 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends,

Three times this evening Grayson stood up and started wandering. I asked where he was going or what he needed and he said "dinner". This was all within one hour of finishing dinner together.

Three times within an hour of Grayson going to bed tonight, he crossed the threshold of his room and set off his door alarm. Once when I asked where he was going he said "I don't know". I think that is absolutely correct. Like a small child he doesn't know what to do to shut down. It is hard for him to wind down some nights and he can't identify what is stirring him inside.

Three times seems to be the charm tonight – it has been over half an hour and no alarm. Now, perhaps to sleep.

Psalm 3:5

"I lie down and sleep;
   I wake again, because the LORD sustains me."

Peace and restful sleep to you this night,


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