26 August 2011

Day 649 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

Today Grayson had to sit in the car for a long time – 6+ hours to be exact! We drove to Napa to visit our dear friends Mike and Jill for the weekend. This is a rescheduled birthday trip for Regina who lost out when I decided to go to the hospital instead of vacationing with her last June. While grateful that I am still here, I'd much rather be vacationing than in the hospital!

Grayson has been charming all day, though a bit low energy. This evening he perked up, but a lot of that has to do with the conversation around him. He loves to listen when interesting conversation is in the air. He laughs and listens intently, but does not try and join the conversation. I'd love it if he joined in more.

Mike and Jill have two large dogs. After dinner, they came into the dining room to join us, but not to mooch food off of the table. At one point they were complimented on their behavior and rewarded with some affection. A little later, we complimented Grayson on something and he patted himself on the head like the dogs!

Something is still going on in there!



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