21 November 2009

Day 6 - Grayson’s Condition

Dear family and friends

We expect good days and not so good days. Today was not so good.

After my posting last night, Grayson spent over an hour in an episode as I described yesterday – thrashing and flailing about. He worked so hard that his oxygen saturations dropped to a level that required sedation and additional measures to bring them back up. In the morning, following another episode, and another significant drop in saturations, the decision was made to re-introduce the breathing tube, so he is now back on the vent. He is also sedated so that the episodes are minimized, and reduces the danger of hurting himself.

Today, the rest of his body is giving him trouble. He had a pretty significant fever, and is now covered in a chilling blanket. Urine output dropped and fluid started building on his lungs, so medications were given to correct this. We don't know if this is additional injury to the kidneys or heart showing up, or if it is caused by something else. Today we mostly watched him rest while the staff treated these conditions.

The care shown by the staff has been wonderful. All patients here are well cared for, but there always seems to be a little something extra for Grayson. Perhaps it's his age, perhaps the circumstances – I don't know. I only know that there is no question that we benefit from a loving and caring staff.

We continue to be overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and affection. On behalf of the entire family, thank you for your continued prayers and demonstration of love.



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