01 February 2010

Day 78 – Grayson’s Condition

Dear family and friends

Like last Thursday, we finished spending a full day over 100 miles away from Grayson. Unlike last Thursday, we will not be traveling back there tomorrow. This requires a bit of adjustment and letting go – sort of like having him move away to college all over again, but without the maturity and instincts that would normally accompany it. Of course, "mature" and "freshman" do not always go in the same sentence, but let's just not go there, OK?

On Monday evenings in the recreation center on the residence campus, there is a music therapy program. Here the patients get to play with various musical instruments. Tonight Grayson went there with one of his new buddies, and Grayson enjoyed playing the drums and singing. Singing two days in a row – could be very good! Rhythmic skills are good also. Did I mention that I love this place?

After a week of settling in, Grayson now has a "schedule" of tasks to perform during the week. Today is Monday, so his task this evening was to sweep and mop the kitchen. Tomorrow he will vacuum the living room.

Dinner tonight was pan fried and seasoned boneless chicken breast, mashed potatoes and green beans. Because he had so much activity this evening, he was able to stay up until 9:00, but just barely. (For those that know Grayson, when was the last time you saw him go to bed before 3:00 AM?) He will be up and going at 7:00 tomorrow morning. One thing is for certain – Grayson needs lots of sleep since his injury. One thing that won't surprise anyone that knows him – he still sleeps like a hibernating bear – difficult to wake, and completely disoriented when he does.

Grayson continues to grow, to stretch and to learn. The environment at this facility is always pushing you forward, in a loving and supportive way, but still pushing. Grayson has always thrived when pushed forward, so this really is a match for him. He is responding positively, and we are witnessing growth before our eyes. I wonder if I will recognize Grayson the next time I see him?



1 comment:

  1. Hi Brant and Regina:

    ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)

    What a blessing to hear of Grason's routine and the route they are directing him. I think this kind of "finishing school" would be great for all young me! So, many smiles, all around!

    ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)

    In Him,

