17 February 2010

Day 94 – Grayson’s Condition

Dear family and friends

Grayson had a good day today. When he returned to his apartment after a day at the clinic, he jumped right on his chores. Today is Wednesday – laundry day! After getting the laundry done he made a dinner with the assistance of his residential assistant (RA). On the menu tonight was baked chicken, a baked potato and a vegetable. He did the dishes then hustled over to transportation for a ride to the movies (yes, with his RA)! He chose to see New Moon.

Grayson was particularly cooperative and jovial today with the residential staff. He was also much more verbal than he has been lately. I apologize that I don't have more to report, but I just got off the phone with him and his RA. It is really late for him, and he was getting ready for bed – about 1 ½ hours later than normal! Hopefully his energy will be up tomorrow!

It was wonderful to see so many of you at church for Ash Wednesday services tonight. Thanks for all of the hugs, prayers and good wishes.




  1. It seems like Grayson is getting adjusted well to his activities it is great to hear that his energy level is back! I am impressed to hear all the wonderful tasks he is able to do :) Paz & Amen

  2. I love hearing that Grayson is acting more like himself - kind, humorous, etc. You and Regina must feel very encouraged by days like this.

    Robin G.
