29 April 2011

Day 530 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

Today was the last day of Springtacular and it was a fun day. It was very cold this morning – low 20s – before getting into some range where I just kept peeling off clothes! I finished the day skiing in my shirt and ski pants while Grayson had on that plus a parka, and a vest.

During one of the morning runs we ran into one of the ski patrol members and his dog, Chief. Here is a picture of them just before Grayson throws a ball for Chief to retrieve.

This afternoon Grayson took a lesson from a cool instructor. He was full of energy and Grayson worked hard. At one point in the day, someone joined with us in the lift line to add a 4th to our group. Our instructor said that he looked familiar and had he had ridden a lift with him earlier. The response was classic – the gentleman said, "No your Honor. I argued an appellate case in front of you!" Our instructor is an Associate Justice for the Court of Appeal! Here is a picture of Grayson following the orders of our Judge!

At 4:30 it was time for the closing Awards Banquet. Here are Grayson and I in our Springtacular shirts! All of the participants received an award, but Grayson did not know that. There are lots of schools and groups that participate in the program, but the "independents" were called out first. When Grayson heard his name he looked at me in surprise! They called him forward and announced that he had earned the "Amazing Grayson Award" for being the "Comeback Kid". Yes he has come back to Mammoth and is skiing again. Here is a picture of him receiving his award. I'm surprised that it is any good at all as I couldn't see much through my tears. Many, many people came up to us afterward and congratulated and hugged him. Here is a picture of the medal given to all of the participants.

What a day!



1 comment:

  1. That sounds like such a wonderful program full of generous and caring people! Have a safe drive home.
