29 February 2012

Day 836 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends,

Tonight at dinner I asked Grayson If my tea cup was hot or cold. He wrapped his hand around it and said it was hot. I then asked him what his smoothie cup was expecting him to say it was cold. He said it was "frosty".

This made me smile. Grayson always had an interesting vocabulary and used expressions, even when he was quite young, that you would expect of someone much older. His use of the word "frosty" made me wonder if he was being expressive (a peek at his old self) or if he reached into his mind for the word "cold" and grabbed a similar word he hadn't intended.

We may never know. We just keep plugging away trying to get him to express himself verbally rather than pointing. I can only guess how difficult it must be for him.



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