20 September 2011

Day 674 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

What a difference a day makes. Not only is Brant home (yippee) but Grayson was much more alert today.

After two days of virtually sitting around the emergency room and Brant's hospital room I really focused on getting Grayson some extra physical exercise today. We went for a long walk up our street/hill and back and I was impressed that his pace was faster than usual. Even got him to jog for a short time. Then I had him help me take out trash and recycle, strip the linens of his bed, help with his laundry, remake his bed, wipe the kitchen counters and make countless trips up and down our stairs putting things away.
Simultaneously, I kept up a constant banter with him – asking him questions, seeking his opinion, asking him to name things, and having him make choices. His speech is still very hard to understand so I frequently have him repeat what he says asking him for "big lips" so that he emphasizes his consonants. It helps tremendously.

Yesterday he was not speaking much, resorting to pointing (to his mouth, the television, etc.) when he wanted something. As I have mentioned before I don't let him get away with that. At one point last night after we returned from the hospital, I was trying to get him to tell me what he wanted rather than merely pointing. The conversation went something like this.

"Grayson, you need to speak words to me. If you don't use your voice you will lose it. I want you to be able to speak with all of us. Don't you?"

He said, "Yes".

"Tell me what you want. 'I want…'" (I often start the sentence for him and he finishes it.)

"I want to do stuff".

Wow! He wasn't parroting back to me what I had just said; he was digesting what I said and made his own statement. That simple little sentence was loaded. Because he has a hard time communicating doesn't mean he doesn't have something to say. Because he has a hard time concentrating doesn't mean he isn't thinking.

I am humbled by the responsibility to help him recover some of his ability to process and communicate.

The peace of the Lord be with you.


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