21 September 2011

Day 675 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

Today I started getting back in the swing of things by catching up on a lot of personal business that I had fallen behind on, making medical follow-up appointments and starting to read the email barrage that I am now days behind on. Tomorrow I'll go back to real work and start to work down the backlog there!

Tonight Regina and I had the opportunity to assist the new Cub Scout Pack at our church with their recruiting night. What a joy to see those eager 1st through 5th grade boys embrace the program, and the nervous and very tentative parents try to figure out how they could possibly participate. The evening was a success and I am so glad to see Scouting back at our church after an 8 year absence.

Grayson was a champ today. During the Cub Scout meeting he was alert and following all of the conversations and presentations. He was patient, but more importantly he was interested in what was going on. He spent much of his youth in that room in den and pack meetings so the material and location was familiar to him. When Regina organized some games to keep the younger participants under control, he was observing with great interest. Just for fun, here is a picture of Grayson as a Bear Cub Scout in 1994. (Yes it was shared previously, but it is great fun to see it again!)

It is good for Grayson to be in the community and see life. It is equally good for the community to see him as he is the object of continued prayers for healing.



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