15 November 2010

Day 365 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends,

This morning Grayson woke up a little more "with it". He cooperated well and was able to execute his morning routine with a little less cueing. It still takes a long time to go through the morning routine compared to what it would take you or me. The temptation can be just to push him through the tasks simply to expedite the completion. Since the goal is not to complete the tasks but to have him move closer to being able to complete them more independently, we take our time. It is a good (and constant) exercise in patience.

Grayson walked the sidewalks of Encino for 40 minutes today. This was really pretty good for his usual endurance level. He seemed more energetic and responsive this afternoon.

On our way home, we stopped to fill the van with gasoline and I spied the recently renovated local IHOP. It brought back so many memories of taking the three kids there when they were smaller for a special dinner. Tonight I took my man/child.

I let him peruse the menu and then asked him what he wanted to drink. He ordered chocolate milk with whipped cream and drank it down with a straw like a happy little boy. He tried to slow down at my urging but was enjoying it so much that he barely stopped until there was that wonderful, musical slurping sound.

We should all slow down and enjoy these simple, sweet delights that we discovered as children.

I ordered breakfast – with buttermilk pancakes.

Grace and peace,


1 comment:

  1. peace be with you as well - I love thinking of you and Grayson at IHOP together.
