22 November 2010

Day 372 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

After a typical slow start this morning, Grayson was alert all day, and particularly alert this evening. At dinner Regina and I put together our Thanksgiving menu and shopping list. After dinner, the three of us went to the grocery for a two hour shopping trip. Grayson and I went one way, and Regina went the other. Grayson pushed my cart all over the (recently remodeled) store as we struggled to find our items in locations that didn't exist two months ago! This was almost like a real-world therapy session. Regina and I each walked out with a full basket. It reminds me of having two teenage boys in the house again!

When we arrived back at home, Grayson was very helpful in carrying groceries up the stairs to the kitchen. Since it was after 10:00 by this time, Regina had Grayson go through his evening routine. During that routine, he was able to successfully accomplish several multi-step tasks – not something that we are generally accustomed to!

It was a good day for Grayson.




  1. Your post fills me with thanksgiving. . . how appropriate!

  2. I thought of your guys' journey with Grayson when reading about this would-be-bride's "horror" story and the positive outlook she had put on it. First, the story: http://gawker.com/5692714/worst-bridesmaid-prank-ever-leaves-brides-paraplegic-and-unmarried

    and then the follow-up/"happy ending":


    If you go to her site you can see with the love of her family she is keeping a positive attitude. So it made me think of you guys. :)

  3. Way to go, Grayson!

    In Him,

