06 October 2010

Day 325 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

Today started out slow for Grayson and ended well. Grayson was his usual morning zombie but he awoke later to be a relatively engaged dude!

The cool weather is sure a pain – I am so going to miss summer. Having to help him remove a lot of clothes and size 13 shoes to go to the bathroom in a hurry is really tough. Shorts and flip-flops will be sorely missed!

Wednesday is trash night and Grayson gathered all of the trash and recycle with me and took it out to the street. We also did several therapeutic home program (THP) modules and set the table for dinner.

After dinner and meds, we tried our new Wii for the very first time! Grayson tried his hand at flying an airplane and bowling. Perhaps this was a good thing because Grayson went to bed and only got up twice – a new two week record!



1 comment:

  1. Hi Brant and Regina:

    Yes "Wii" Can!!!!!!! I love Wii. It is really fun, and I'll bet Grayson will dig it a bunch. It is good therapy, in so many ways.

    In Him,

