27 October 2010

Day 346 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

Today was a pretty typical day. Grayson was as slow as molasses and difficult to engage when he got up in the morning, and he returned home this afternoon engaged and active. Just not a morning person – never was!

We were informed that the conservatorship hearing will be postponed for some period of time to allow the court to ask additional questions. As a result, Friday will be a opportunity to set up some new physician relationships. Always plenty to do!



1 comment:

  1. Hi Brant and Regina: Just a note to remind you how much you are loved by all of us. These alignments and workings are a challenge of huge proportions, and here we are, sitting by and watching...not really able to lend a hand, but we are praying and the Lord is working, and we just plain love you guys.

    In Him,

