26 July 2011

Day 618 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends,

Occasionally I wonder why we continue to keep this daily journal or if many are still reading it. It began as a way to communicate with all of you during the early days of Grayson's (and our) crisis. It has been a long time and the entries are not dramatic or particularly informative.

I do know that the discipline is good for us and encourages us each day to look for small signs of progress. The time spent writing the blog entry also allows an examination of conscience - whether we are becoming complacent or treating each day as an opportunity to stimulate and stretch Grayson's mental functioning. Complacency is certainly a seductively easier path.

This daily discipline also provides time for acknowledging gratitude for the many blessings hidden within the never ending tasks associated with Grayson's care. This has become a critical tool for me in my arsenal to battle burnout and impatience.

Additionally, I know that every comment knits my heart to yours and allows a communication channel for your support and prayers to flow in. For that I am so grateful.

I bid you goodnight and God's peace,



  1. I'm still reading! It's amazing to read every day and see what's going on with your family, and to get to see progress. Sometimes it's hard when you feel like you're spinning your wheels, but I can go back a few months and see for certain what's been happening, you get to see proof of great things. I think it's awesome that you're both still writing every day. It takes a lot of effort, but I think it'll pay off in the end. Hugs to you all.

  2. I am still read too! I never go to bed without checking in. I agree with Jamie 100%

  3. I read your post every morning. The love, patience and support you and your family practice every day is amazing. Please know that there a lot of people who keep you in our thoughts and draw inspiration from your actions.

  4. I read your blog almost every day. My connection to Grayson was limited to seeing him in homeroom every day during his sophomore year, but there was a small bond made. You and your family are inspirational.

  5. I'm so happy you include us in your journey every day and don't try to walk the road alone.

  6. Tho I can't read each day because of work, I still find it interesting on how he relearns.


  7. At Prep Sharon used to help out backstage with the musicals and so I went to most of them. And I remember being so impressed with the talent in your family! Know you are in my thoughts and prayers.


  8. Reading this journal is as others have said very inspiring. The faith and commitment that you all are sharing with us is a source the source of the inspiration and the commitment to the Lord makes us all realize His presence and power in our lives. Importantly, the "Grayson story" gives us hope and and encouragement in ways I am sure none of us every thought would be the case at the beginning of this journey.

    So, we are blessed to have your words and hope to receive them for a long time to come. Love to you all, Steve and Mary

  9. I'm reading, Regina! In the world of caregivers it's the love and support of other caregivers that gets us through the next task, the next day, and so on. When I see a struggle enter your day, it helps me to acknowledge that not every day will be a "good hair day" and that's just part of this journey we're on. When I see a blessing enter your lives through Grayson, I cheer and find my blessings too! Thank you for sharing your journey with us!

    Love and Prayers...Connie Meyer
