28 July 2011

Day 620 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends,

Last week we mentioned that we added a new neurologist to our medical team. One of the questions I asked the doctor was why there are some days that Grayson's switch seems to be turned to slow. His explanation used the following illustration.

We all have mental/neurological reserves. If something is stressing us we utilize our reserves and still function quite well. Grayson, on the other hand, has little or no reserves. Consequently when something is stressing Grayson (e.g. inadequate sleep, dehydrated, infection, low blood pressure, overstimulation, even a change of routine) he has no reserve to draw on and the functioning slows or is impeded. Oversimplified, of course, however it reminds me to see if I can determine what might be stressing Grayson. He doesn't look stressed as you or I might look and he doesn't know what might be affecting him. He just slows down.

What's stressing you today? What reserves are depleted leaving you to handle challenges at less than full strength?

Get a good night's rest tonight. It's a good start.



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