25 October 2012

Day 1075 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends
Grayson was as slow as molasses this morning. Danielle commented that she couldn’t get him to focus on anything. However after lunch, she said that his brain seemed to “thaw out” and he was much more alert. On their afternoon walk he pointed things out and identified them and was very alert. Regina and I noticed the same thing this evening – he was quite “with it”.
The ups and downs of this neurological journey are amazing. Not that Grayson’s “ups” are anywhere near where he used to be, but he has a new normal, and it is against that that we measure. Sometimes he is above, and sometimes he is below. Sometimes it is easy to correlate the cause of a “down” or an “up” day, such as a bad or a good night of sleep. But the connection of cause is not always easy to make. We were told once that the mental reserves that you or I have can help us get through a bad day. Grayson no longer possesses any of those mental reserves and has no way to push through a bad day.
Fortunately, today was a pretty good day!

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