30 November 2010

Day 380 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

Today Grayson started his day more alert than most. He moved faster and was more responsive than usual all day.

At the clinic he sorted four objects into categories for a while, but his ability to focus took over after a few minutes. Certain levels of physical activity help keep Grayson focused. There are small letters on the walls of the long hallway at the clinic. One of his tasks today was to walk along the walls and find specific letters. He was also tasked to find letters on a keyboard and in a magazine. These exercises are focused on building attention span. In PT today he walked on the treadmill for 10 minutes, climbed a ladder, and helped set up an activity by putting tape on the ground in specific places.

On the way home, Regina and Grayson sang songs and whistled (on pitch!) together. What a nice day!



1 comment:

  1. It's very interesting to hear the specific activities used for Grayson's therapy. They come up with some strategic ways of addressing his development.
