14 April 2012

Day 881 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

Today Grayson did somewhat of an about-face. While he was on a "down" point yesterday, today his mind was active and he was quite engaged – at least for Grayson. Instead of a down cycle, I think that he must have been running on "empty" and he got a refill overnight!

If that sounds a bit strange, let me elaborate. The rest of us have reserves that we call to play when we are drained but still need to get something accomplished. We push through it and get done what we need to in order to meet a deadline, satisfy a boss, or get dinner on the table. Grayson no longer has any reserves. When he is spent, that is it. He is done. Fortunately a good night of sleep seemed to get him back in his groove.



1 comment:

  1. Oh man, do I ever hear that... the "no longer having reserves" condition. The Neurological Highway does seem to have an ever-too-efficient "reserve drainage" system.
