30 April 2012

Day 897 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

A long first day back at work, and a late night! I promise I'll give you a debrief on Sunday at Mammoth soon.

The highlight for me today was the obvious benefit to Grayson of all of the physical activity for the past 9 days. Anishka, who is not particularly tall, had to hoof it to keep up with Grayson on his walks today (Grayson normally walks at a snail's pace.) And this evening when we were going up to the back yard to grill the chicken for dinner, Grayson ran up the stairs! That blew me away since I haven't seen him do that for as long as I can remember. And he did it not once but each of the 4 times we went up to the back yard. Wow!

As if I needed more proof that the 9 days in Mammoth were good for Grayson!




  1. What a wonderful blessing the nine days in Mammoth were!

  2. Now it's a matter of keeping it up - always a challenge in a busy life. I know you guys will find a way.
