13 September 2012

Day 1033 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends,

Today was a challenge for Grayson's caregiver Danielle. Not only was Grayson nonverbal much of the day but he was somewhat uncooperative. When she tried to have him remove the hidden coins from a ball of putty, he threw it to the ground. When she asked him to return his book to the shelf he swung his arm at her. When she told him it was time to use the restroom, he hit the wall.

She went on to say, however, that when he did use the restroom, he finished the entire sequence (used the restroom, buttoned up, washed and dried hands, flushed, turn off the light) all without prompting.

While I realize it was a challenging day for her, I celebrated the news. If Grayson remains completely complacent and compliant, he may never regain any ability to make choices or initiate basic skills. While striking out is an unacceptable behavior, expressing frustration and making decisions shows promise. Completing the restroom sequence independently without cueing is progress.

It certainly isn't linear progress but it is progress none-the-less. Tomorrow I will spend time coaching her how to make the most of the challenging days.

Peace to you this night,


1 comment:

  1. Isn't it strange that good news is hidden in seemingly bad circumstances? I'm glad you have the insight needed for these times and can share strategies with the caregiver.
