03 January 2010

Day 49 – Grayson’s Condition

Dear family and friends

Today was yet another low energy day.

Regina spoke with the physicians and a decision was made to cut back on some of his meds. We'll see how that goes over the next few days.

It's Sunday, but they still have a reduced PT staff here on duty at the hospital. Today he rode the stationary bike for the first time. He also spent a lot of time batting a balloon around. He also practiced sitting and standing from a low bench, and he also walked a bunch.

Grayson's ability to get up and get around is, as I said yesterday, scaring the daylights out of us. He goes from bed to out the door in about 2 seconds, like you would expect of a 24 year old. If you blink, you will find yourself chasing him down the hall to "help" him, or keep him out of someone else's room. He also now goes to bed head first, to the chagrin of his PT folks. They are used to working with folks of more advanced age, and think that the way to go to bed is sit on the edge, then lay down. Grayson thinks like it is more of a landing of a fighter jet.

This is all making me smile. God is blessing us daily, and we can hardly wait to see what tomorrow will bring.


Brant and Regina


  1. Hi Brant and Regina:

    Nose diving into bed certainly is not PT protocol! But I bet it works just great! ;-)

    I remember being "over fed" in the hospital...they had great food and I got 3 squares a day, plus they made me drink those canned milkshakes, several times a day, and I just got very uncomfortable, but they were slow to cut back on the feed bag...they wanted more bulk on my bones I guess.

    You are all in our prayers and conversations--we rejoice in Grayson's progress.

    In Him,


  2. Isn't it great to have the daylights scared out of you by Grayson's progress rather than the lack of it?!?! It makes you wonder what new heights he'll achieve tomorrow!

    Robin G.
