26 January 2010

Day 72 – Grayson’s Condition

Dear family and friends

Today was the first full day out of the hospital!

Grayson had a big day. It started as he got out of bed, showered and got himself ready, made breakfast and did his dishes. Then, he made the mistake of lying down. He went to sleep, and no one could get him up for a few hours! He missed the first two busses to the clinic, but was brought by around 11:00 AM.

The first part of the day was BORING for Grayson, as he had to sign all of the admitting forms, with me as the witness. Then he had a nursing evaluation. The day started to improve with lunch, because food is always good, even in pureed form!

The afternoon was a lot more fun.

Cognitive rehabilitation was Grayson's first therapy. Here they deal with speech, learning, and eating. Today after an hour proving that he could do it with supervision, Grayson was cleared to drink all liquids and eat solid food!

Next was physical therapy. Today the entire session was establishing baselines. Grayson showed through his testing that he was doing pretty well with most of his basic balance, walking and stairs. He does show some capability limitation in some balance areas, and that is what they will start working on tomorrow.

At the end of his day, Grayson took the patient bus back to the residence campus. He prepared his dinner with some help, then cleaned and put away his dishes. We were pleased at the way things were going at his apartment. We spent some time talking with Grayson and the staff before playing a game of Kings in the Corner. It was a nice visit, and we left with a comfortable feeling about his new home.

Tomorrow we will make a final pass by the clinic to complete some final details, then we will observe Grayson in occupational therapy before heading home.

So today I feel a bit like celebrating. Here is another clip from "My Fair Lady" – this time Grayson is singing, "Get Me to the Church on Time". Enjoy!




  1. Hi Brant and Regina:

    What a great day! We are so happy for Grayson. We won't be surprised when you add a video of him singing "Get me to Therapy ON TIME!!!!"

    In Him,


  2. Solid food. Now, THAT'S fantastic news!

    Keeps getting better.

    Everyone at Prep is following this blog and eagerly discusses every bit of good news as you share it with us. Grayson has a LOT of fans!

  3. I remember being at this play, like it was yesterday. It brought tears to my eyes and joy to my heart. I can't believe the progress that Grayson has made. Many prayers are being answered. Love to all...Anne
