17 January 2010

Day 63 – Grayson’s Condition

Dear family and friends

Today was a mellow day.

Grayson got up around 8:30, with the help of his aide he showered and dressed, then participated in physical therapy. After working there, then walking around for quite a while, he retreated to bed at 1:30 for a 3 hour nap. We woke him at 4:30 so we would be sure he slept the night!

He had several visitors this evening, but he was pretty low energy when they were around. He never really perked up after his nap, and was back in bed before 8:00.

Tomorrow, Regina and I will visit the second residential facility to see for ourselves if we feel it appropriate for Grayson. We pray that the rain falling now is not a bad omen! God has done a good job leading us so far. Let's assume he will continue to do so!




  1. Hi Brant and Regina:

    The Lord's leading is good, very good. And you are a blessing to us all.

    In Him,


  2. The rain falls upon the just and the unjust alike. It is only an omen of flowers bursting forth in the desert.
