24 January 2010

Day 70 – Grayson’s Condition

Dear family and friends

Day 70? Wow – 10 weeks in the hospital.

Today was a good day.

Grayson is now chatting up a storm, though he needs constant encouragement to use his consonants so he can be understood. Almost everything has to be repeated to be understood. Tonight, he worked with Regina on some pretty advanced vocabulary, and then he started to read articles to her out of National Geographic. Yep, there is a lot going on in there. Lest I paint a false picture, he has a long way to go before he sounds as good as Dick Clark sounds now after his stroke.

Today we went for a walk outside in the garden area. In the garden area there is a koi pond that we stared at for some time. Grayson thought it quite humorous that the fish came over whenever you put your hand over the water (Pavlov's catfish!) Also in the garden area is a labyrinth that Grayson enjoyed navigating. He did quite well, and it was good for him both mentally and physically. Finally, when we left, we decided to take the outside stairs to the first floor – 24 steps and a landing. He did very well navigating the stairs with little supervision. Great news!

Every night before we leave, we show the sitter our phone numbers over the bed, and tell them to call us if they need anything. As we left tonight, Grayson said, "I'll call if anything happens." I asked him the number, and he rattled it right off!

God continues to show us the way. Tomorrow is likely the final day here before we head off to a new facility on Tuesday!



1 comment:

  1. Do you know which facility yet? We're praying!

    :) Robin G.
