02 June 2010

Day 199 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

Grayson had a good day today. When he arrived back at the residence from the clinic, he quickly jumped on his chores and tasks. He did laundry first, before helping to prepare dinner. After dinner and clean-up, Grayson went to get the mail. Today he got a card from one of my cousins. He was so excited to get the card, that he ripped it open in the parking lot, read it, and beamed all the way back to his apartment. Since email, IM's and Facebook are no longer an option for Grayson to be touched by friends around the globe, the old fashioned way is pretty cool. Thanks to all of you who have sent him cards and letters. He is always so happy to get them, and they are always neatly laid out to show off when we arrive on the weekends.

After the mail run, Grayson did his therapeutic home program (THP). Tonight one of his THP's was to listen to a paragraph of information, then to answer questions on the material. He did very well at this. Because he did all of his tasks in such a short time, he got some extra TV time.

Tonight was Bingo night at the rec center. Grayson was excited and energized to go and play Bingo with the rest of the residents. He stayed and participated for over an hour before he needed to go to bed. I spoke with him just as he climbed into bed. Unfortunately, he didn't remember a thing about what had happened this evening. Such is the way with brain injury. Improvement is measured in months and years, not days and weeks.



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