30 June 2010

Day 227 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

Wednesday is Order-Food-In Night! Grayson took advantage of this and ordered Chinese food. He ate all of the food, plus a jello cup which is good since he is at the bottom of the weight range for his height. He actually fit in Austin's old Scout shorts when we visited Camp Verdugo Oaks this past Saturday. Austin last wore those shorts five years ago!

After dinner, he did his therapeutic home program (THP) with his residential assistant (RA). Since the roommates were out, it was a blissful TV-free night! Grayson sat on the couch and read National Geographic magazines for quite some time. After he tired of this, his RA and Grayson took a walk outside and then they sat by the pool for a while. When they came back to the apartment, it was time for Grayson to get ready for bed.

Food brought in, reading on the couch, a walk outside and a chat by the pool. All in all a good day!



1 comment:

  1. Hi Brant and Regina:

    Aw, sounds like a pretty good day! I think I'll try it!

    In Him,

