12 June 2010

Day 209 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

Today it was only 90 in Bakersfield – positively balmy! We enjoyed our day with Grayson. We had a treat at Cold Stone, though I starting to worry that our attempts at putting more weight on Grayson is only adding pounds to me! We had a leisurely early afternoon shopping, including the acquisition of a new pair of sunglasses for Grayson. Later we returned to the residence for an hour or so of pool and cool time.
Regina played with Grayson in and around the pool. They tossed a ball, threw a Frisbee, splashed in the water and worked on swimming. Grayson still has some deficits on the right side that we noted, as he was unable to catch the ball right handed, but he was with his left.

Grayson seemed very low energy and subdued all day and he was rather non-verbal. He also had several times where he got "stuck", unable to do things he has the capacity and the desire to do, but unable to start. He was like that getting out of the car, getting into the pool, and getting dressed.

This evening, Grayson attended a play at a local theater. So we said our farewells, and hugged him good bye as he boarded the bus for the play. It was a nice visit, and a beautiful day to spend outdoors!



1 comment:

  1. .... praying for you.... and praising God for a good day together.
