09 June 2010

Day 206 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

Today Regina and I participated in a two hour patient conference with the Centre for Neuro Skills. All of the therapies were represented, and we received an awesome report (as we have come to expect) of the work that they are doing, and the progress Grayson is making. I'll do my best to boil it down over the next few days so you can get a glimpse with us into the work that Grayson does at the clinic.

We always get an education whenever we have these conferences. One of the things that we learned today was how anoxia (lack of oxygen) affects the brain. The deep structures of the brain are affected first. This includes areas like new memory, and some very basic functions that can affect continence, and the ability to carry out a task, even though the desire and the capability is present (apraxia).

From speech therapy, Grayson improved this month. He has required increasing less cueing at sorting tasks. He can become overwhelmed, but he does understand instructions. For example, if given instructions to sort cards into suits, then handed a deck of cards, he becomes overwhelmed, and throws the cards on the table. If, however, he is handed the cards one at a time, he will sort the entire deck. Grayson's best days are described as: capable of standing up when asked, walking where instructed, and needing prompts and cues to accomplish tasks. His worst days require hand-over-hand help, and are marked with Grayson exiting the area to avoid work or striking out at those prompting the work.

In the residential program, Grayson's independent living score (ILS) is improved, but still well below that which is needed for most residential situations. His incidence of problem behavior is reduced, and his full cooperation has increased to 51% of the time.

I'll try and share more tomorrow. As said previously, this is a journey of miles where progress is measured in inches. Fortunately we are not alone on this journey.



1 comment:

  1. Hi Brant & Regina:

    You certainly ARE NOT ALONE on this journey! The Lord is Master, and we out here are praying along with you day by day. The impovements are wonderful and guague trends.....we pray that the impovements never end.

    In Him,

