29 June 2010

Day 226 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

Grayson had a good day today. He relaxed in his air conditioned apartment after he returned from the clinic, out of the near triple-digit temperature. He got dinner going a little earlier than usual tonight because he was hungry. As dinner was cooking, he did some laundry and took a shower. He sat down to a dinner of lasagna and salad clean and refreshed.

After dinner he did his therapeutic home program (THP), he mopped the kitchen and bathroom. While it was karaoke night tonight, Grayson was tired and did not want to go. He was in bed a bit before 8:00, and when I called he was listening to one of his birthday presents – the audio book, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

So it was a quiet, uneventful summer evening. Life is good!



1 comment:

  1. So glad to hear he's listening to Hitchhiker's Guide already! I hope it brings him lots of laughter. Your post yesterday made me so happy: hearing that he remembered a warm, loved feeling after the party. That warm, loved feeling is staying with all of us guests, as well.
