16 June 2010

Day 213 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

Today was a better day – Whew! There were no incidents of problem behavior today. That being said, Grayson was in a relatively un-stimulating environment, so there was little to cause him to become overwhelmed or get upset. No matter the reason, I will take the lack of "behavior" and be thankful. (In the biz, the term "behavior" is never used in a positive sense.)

After returning from the clinic, Grayson relaxed for a bit. Around 5:30, his residential assistant (RA) took Grayson for a walk. They went across the street to the park and walked around there for a while. On the way back to the apartment Grayson checked the mail. His RA told me that Grayson knew what mailbox was his. It is a BIG deal that Grayson can identify his mailbox from the many that are there. This means that the item has been repeated enough that it has earned a place in accessible memory – awesome news. Also a bit humbling – after seven months, he can now remember what mailbox is his. A journey of miles, measured in inches.

Grayson had a treat tonight – it was "order in" night. Tonight Chili's was the restaurant, and Grayson ordered the bacon ranch, chicken quesadilla. He enjoyed his dinner, especially since he didn't have to cook or clean up (such a guy!). He did his therapeutic home program (THP) after dinner, and did very well on his orientation questions, remembering his newest roommate's name for the first time.

Grayson finished the evening reading his National Geographic in bed until he fell asleep around 8:00. This was particular early for Grayson, as he usually lies in bed awake for a few hours before sleeping. Tonight he was lights out quickly. I say that this was a good day, and that I have much to be thankful for!



1 comment:

  1. Hi Brant and Regina:

    Atta Boy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    ...put the bad days behind you and just rock'n roll into tomorrow!

    In Him,

