02 April 2010

Day 138 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

Grayson had a good day. His plan was to go to the movies tonight, but at the last minute he chose not to go. I'm not sure why, but he made the choice. Instead he went to the rec center and had art therapy – the lone patient with his residential assistant (RA) and the art therapist. Grayson built a battleship tonight. I'm anxious to get a report from Regina tomorrow on how it looks!

After the art therapy, Grayson and his RA stuck around for a little karaoke. When that was over, they went back to the apartment and watched America's Funniest Home Videos. According to his RA he practically fell out of the chair laughing so hard. It does my heart good to hear him laugh out loud, and I'm sure that the endorphins can't hurt him either! Humor and music – what more could anyone ask for?

Today Grayson was not sleepy and sluggish as he was yesterday, and he was well behaved and cooperative. His speech was still very unintelligible, and I had to have him repeat everything twice or three times in order to understand. There were some things he told me that I completely missed. At least he is trying to communicate.

It is Day 2 of the Triduum – Good Friday. Tomorrow night, we will celebrate the Vigil of Easter. For the past several years, Grayson has built the new fire outside the church at the start of the Vigil for the "Service of Light", and read the Genesis reading, traditionally the first and longest of the many readings at that service. This year we will all miss his Boy Scout experience at fire tending, and his wonderful reading style during the service. I pray and dream of Grayson once again taking an active place in the service.




  1. Hi Brant and Regina:

    What good therapy Grayson is getting. I'm so glad for him. When one can understand humor and participate in music, there is something good going on inside that head of his.

    We wish you all a wonderful Easter--and we too pray that Grayson may one day again, lead in worship as he did in the past...and that the wonderful reality of our living Lord will be told from Grayson's own near-resurection story.

    In Him,


  2. Grayson is lighting the New Fire: his own. And so are you: and you do it every day. You are living your own Great Vigil, one which will not be over in only an hour or so: but it bears the same promise as the one we celebrate only once a year.
