28 April 2010

Day 164 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends,

Grayson was a little out of focus today and "antsy" according to his staff. He stood up and started walking away several times during his home program tonight. With the enticement of a walk and playing some basketball he managed to get through all of his homework.

As Grayson was getting ready to go on his walk, he again got stuck and couldn't/wouldn't get out of his chair. Unfortunately, without giving you too many details, this led Grayson and another patient to get a good lesson in conflict resolution. Eventually they shook hands and walked to the mailbox. The rest of the evening, he played basketball, ping pong, and colored in a coloring book.

Nearly every day we ask Grayson if he remembers going to the clinic and the answer is usually "no". Tonight when I asked, he not only remembered going to the clinic but said he was "working out" there. He also used the calendar to name the date and checked the clock to tell the time.

This is a journey of miles and every inch is progress. Thanks be to God.

Grace and peace,


1 comment:

  1. Hi Brant and Regina--the fall out of progress...sheesh! It sounds like he crested his day in a pretty good way, and that is good. All part of the process, as is frustration! So, we rock'n roll! Tomorrow, will build off of today; it is in the Lord's hands. We'll show up and "Be Prepared", and do out stuff!!

    In Him,

