25 April 2010

Day 161 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends,

On Saturday, Grayson was alert, responsive and comparatively rather energetic for most of the day.

On Sunday, it was as if he was literally moving in slow motion. He lacked much of the energy of the day before and seemed, once again, to be "stuck" while trying to stand up or respond. Additionally he was not as engaged during church service and his fingers turned slightly blue while eating his lunch.

It could be tempting to let my hopes and expectations run away on the "giant step forward" days and get disappointed or depressed on the "two steps backward" days. God, however, has a way of giving us the strength we need even on disappointing days. We asked Grayson to sign his name to a letter today and encouraged him to write slowly and carefully. The "G" of his written signature is quite clear and controlled with the remainder of the letters run together in a trailing line. That written "G" is a major improvement and I rejoice for him.

Brant and I needed to shorten our visit with Grayson today and drove back to Glendale to honor other commitments. Grayson hugged us and waved "Goodbye" as he and several other residents boarded a van and embarked on an outing to CALM, the California Living Museum in Bakersfield. It is a living museum of native plants and animal life including bobcats, mountain lions, eagles, owls, reptiles, badgers, ducks, porcupine and so many more. What a wonderful activity that allowed him to enjoy being outdoors on a beautiful, spring Bakersfield day. I rejoiced for him.

Tonight Brant and I participated in an Organ Vespers service at our home church in Glendale. Vespers is an ancient service that acknowledges that the day is a gift from God and as the day draws to a close we offer the day back to God in psalms, hymns, scripture, and prayer. As I sat in the service, the wonderful music washed over me and I was refocused on the truth that it is all God's. Once again I was lifted up by the hugs and warm greetings from this part of our extended family. Their steadfast support through prayer and messages has helped us to find, as Brant's cousin put it "joy in your calamity".

Each day, I open my eyes and recite Psalm 118:24. "This is the day the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it." Today, there was much to be rejoiced.

Grace and peace (and joy),


1 comment:

  1. Hi Brant and Regina--Yes, it is ALL about God. Your post said it so well. ...and tomorrow will be ALL about God, too.

    In Him,

