14 April 2010

Day 150 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

Day 150? We are practically at the five month mark since our journey started.

I called Grayson when I returned from my meeting at church this evening. He was in bed, but while I was talking to the overnight person (his residential assistant (RA) had gone home already), Grayson got up to use the rest room. I got an unexpected treat to talk with a sleepy dude for a few minutes, before he went back to bed. Because Grayson's RA had left for the evening, I wasn't able to get an update on his day.

One thing I expect you may be interested in is his living space. I took the opportunity this weekend to take some pictures of his unit so I could share. Here are pictures of:

Grayson's room (looking in)

Grayson's room

The hallway (looking past Grayson's room)

The living room

The kitchen and dining area from the living room

The kitchen

What I did not show are the rooms of his two roommates and the bathroom area.

These units have been specially reconstructed for the specific purpose of housing neuro rehab patients. You can't see the super-sized bathroom with special walk-in showers, the locked areas for medications and for kitchen knives, or the special fire doors in the extra wide hall. In a future blog I'll show some photos of the outside to complete the "picture"!

Grayson is blessed to be able to spend rehab time in such a wonderful place.



1 comment:

  1. The pictures are so helpful.... we can visualize Grayson going about his chores, etc. in this setting. Thank you!
