23 April 2010

Day 159 - Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

By the time we arrived in Bakersfield tonight, Grayson was in bed. He had a full day today, but he didn't go on any outings. He spent almost a full day at the clinic, then he had a follow-up visit with his cardiologist. When he arrived back at the residence, he rested for a bit, then started his chores. Tonight he washed the hard floors, following his picture checklist, then he started dinner prep.

Tonight, following his meal plan and menu, Grayson made tacos and rice. According to his residential assistant (RA), he thought they were very good! After dinner and clean-up, Grayson sat down at the kitchen table and had a nice chat with his RA's and his roommate. According to the RA, they all talked at the table until bedtime – the TV was not turned on all night!

Tomorrow is Saturday, which means grocery shopping in the morning. We'll see him after the food is put away, as we do almost every weekend.



1 comment:

  1. Hi Brant and Regina--we are praying that you all have a great day with Grayson.

    In Him,

