02 February 2011

Day 444 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

Grayson again woke up bright eyed this morning. While not quite as alert as yesterday, he was much more articulate and vocal than he is typically. With prompting he was attempting five word sentences, and he was doing three word sentences without prompting.

Encouraging signs continue!




  1. Reed Family all:

    While I have not posted in some time, Mary and I continue to read the blog with rapt attention and great interest. This is a wonderful chronicle of what has become a clear message of hope, love and caring. We so find it to be a blessing even though I am sure there are moments when you wonder how will the Lord deal with this...whatever this turns out to be. Praise God we do not have to try to figure out why God knows and does what he does. All we all need to do is pay attention and act accordingly.

    Grayson continues to be the richest of blessings in all our lives. Steve and Mary

  2. Hi Brant and Regina:

    I like what I've been reading as I catch up on a few days away from the blog. Keep at it Grayson!

    In Him,

