21 February 2011

Day 463 – Grayson’s Journey

Since the clinic was closed for the President's Day holiday, Grayson and I spent a delightful day together.

Among the many games, errands, and chores we did together, two things stand out. First, at three separate times today he answered my question with a three word answer. Perhaps he is beginning to realize that when he answers me with a one word answer I usually ask him to restate it using a complete sentence. Perhaps it is merely a function of a more "with it" type day for him. Most probably it is a result of the combination of both.

The second little treasure involved music. I asked him if he would like to play the electric keyboard with me. When he said he would, I played Row, Row, Row Your Boat through two times. Then I played the first five notes twice in a row. I asked him to play the first five notes. He played them perfectly.

Little victories, great big strides. Even bigger smiles.

Grace and peace be with you,



  1. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily . . . life isn't always a dream, but God is always good.

  2. What is the name of the book that Grayson reads every night?

  3. Hi Regina: We are back in Fullerton for about 10 days--am just getting back to Grayson's Journey after a little time on the road. What a great post. I remember when 'Life' was indeed a 'dream', about 4 years ago...now the dream is a reality, and I praise Him for it. And I praise Him for the progress that Grayson is showing...lov'n it!

    In Him,

