14 February 2011

Day 456 – Grayson’s Journey


Dear family and friends,

Some days just don't feel like progress. It is frustrating and a little frightening when there is a long string of days where Grayson seems to have gone several steps backward.

He has been fairly non-verbal for several days now and is frequently stuck executing the simplest of tasks again. His eyes are blood shot and lack the clarity of alert mental tracking. Makes me wish I could tell what goes on inside his body and mind to cause such disparate responses and abilities.

It is an endless series of lessons in trust, patience, and perseverance for Grayson and for us.

Some days I do better than others in meeting the challenges. All days I am grateful for the opportunity to love him.

Happy day of love to each of you.

Grace and peace,



  1. I am struck by how gracefully you and Brant have met this enormous challenge, and how tremendous your love for Grayson is. Please know that there are many, many people praying for all of you each day.

    Jacki Thoms
    Edgewater, Maryland

  2. I'm currently traveling on a very similar section of the Neurological Highway.

    "Good thing we're through that... Finally, things are getting better! ... Except that just go worse... Oh and that, didn't see that coming..."

    One wonders why the universe asks us to write so many personalized new versions of the book of Job. Aren't there enough of those already? Did you really need one more that badly?

    But then again, as one of my favorite sci-fi characters once said, "Isn't the universe an amazing place? I wouldn't live anywhere else."

    Tribulation arrives in many packages... but then again, so does solace.

    We'll make it through this. Which means, you will make it through this. Each, and all of you.
