12 June 2012

Day 940 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends,

Some days my own emotions catch me by surprise.Grayson was exceptionally non-verbal today. He would just look at me or point to his or my mouth. I could tell he wanted to say something yet even with much urging he just couldn't seem to move his thoughts to his voice.

Several times throughout the day Grayson wandered to the top of the stairs with an opened magazine, thoroughly frightening me. Finally I blocked the stairs.

This afternoon he would answer every question with "yeah". At lunch he kept dropping his sandwich until it completely fell apart. After dinner, the kitchen floor where he sat was littered with dropped food.

I was overwhelmed with a sense of déjà vu. I felt as if I had a toddler again – changing wet sheets, child proofing stairs, and sweeping up finger food.

I tucked him into bed and kissed him goodnight.

The feelings are bittersweet.



  1. The cycles are so puzzling. We're praying for you as you search for the right person to care for Grayson while you are at work.

  2. Regina - I don't say it often enough, but I love you more than life itself. I am so grateful that you are there to take such loving care of Grayson when I am on the road (and even when I am at home). I'll see you very soon! - B (from Philadelphia)
