18 July 2012

Day 976 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends,

After the sobering emotions of the last few weeks surrounding saying goodbye to our sweet sister-in-law we spent time reflecting on the love and joy she shared with all of us. Hers was a life well-spent and we are better because of her.

Continuing in the reflection mode we made the decision to make another change in Grayson's caregiver situation. So far, so good. His new companion is a sweet young lady who brings a bright smile with her every day. Not only does she take coaching well but she takes initiative and is creative as well.

For example, yesterday she was playing the card game War with Grayson. He rarely makes it through an entire game before standing up and trying to leave the game table. She quickly made the game more fun by sticking a card on her forehead and making him tell her what the card was.

When I returned home this afternoon I found that she had him sort the mail into stacks based on the name in the addressee line.

Among her written comments was a statement of her delight in making him giggle and laugh today.

I am so hopeful that this is a good match for us all. Settling is not an option.

In peace and gratefulness,


1 comment:

  1. "Settling is not an option." That sentence reflects the way you and Brant live your lives. It inspires me.
