23 July 2012

Day 981 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends,

After several up days in Grayson's cycle, today was a challenge for his caregiver. He wouldn't cooperate in games and refused to drink many liquids. She said that he tried to kick at her, bite her and swung at her at various times including lunch, game time, and question/answer period.

He was exceptionally non-verbal all day and this evening. Even yesterday I thought that he was headed into a down cycle and today's feedback indicated the same. True to form, it is 11:30 pm and he just got up from bed and set off his door alarm.

Let's hope this cycle doesn't last long. The frustrating thing is that it is hard to see progress sustained. Obviously if I look back 2 ½ years the progress is more obvious.

Keep the long game in sight – good advice for us all.

Peace this night,


1 comment:

  1. I hadn't heard of Grayson ever trying to bite, hit or kick at anyone. Is this a new part of the cycle, or just a rarely occurring thing?
