03 October 2010

Day 322 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

Today was World Wide Communion Sunday at Salem. The church rocked with fun music from around the globe this morning. I was honored to be part of the vocal quartet that, along with our organist, percussionist and conductor, presented the music. Unfortunately that meant that I was up and out of the house before Grayson was up, leaving Regina with the duty. Regina was her usual amazing self and she and Grayson arrived at church well before the second service.

We were again touched by all of the love we felt at church today. Since we have not been at the early service since Grayson has been home, it was the first time I have seen many of these folks for a while.

Regina went to her office this afternoon and Grayson and I ran some errands and did some chores around the house before heading to the grocery store. The store had a small town feel today, because as we were in the produce department we kept running into friends that we hadn't seen in ages. One of those that we ran into was the person that took Grayson on his very first ski trip back in 1998! It was great to catch up and great for them to see Grayson.

We returned home to unload the groceries and put on a quick dinner. Grayson was quite animated and active this evening after a very low energy day. Perhaps it was because Austin and Xixi were coming for a visit? Their visit was charming, and as always I was grateful for their company. Grayson was quite focused on the conversation and was laughing out loud at some of the antics we described. He had a ball tonight! Regina arrived home after Grayson was in bed but just in time to say "Hi" and "Bye" to Austin and Xixi.

Grayson has been a little better staying in bed tonight, but he is not going to sleep. It is 11:45 now and he is still awake. So far he has only tried to exit the room twice since I put him down at 8:30. I hope something is awakening in him, but this late-night activity is a challenge!



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