09 October 2010

Day 328 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

Saturday! Grayson and I slept in a little bit. It was a great day with a more relaxed pace.

After a leisurely breakfast we went to the local farmers market to stock up on fruits and vegetables for the week. Grayson was in a bit of a low-energy fog today. He came along for the adventure but he wasn't exactly "with" us. We brought food home and had lunch and then played a little Wii. He was not too interested today. He would start to play and then give up, more inclined and happy to watch play rather than do it himself.

After Wii, Grayson and I went for a half-hour walk before the game. Not much change from the morning – along for the walk, but not very engaged.

Saturday is also college football day! I always look forward to the unpredictable nature of college football, and the anticipation of a great game for the only one of my alma maters that still plays football. (My high school gave it up a few years back, and Loyola University gave it up in the 60s, several years before I attended and they merged with Marymount College.) As I stated yesterday I thought that divine intervention would be required, but USC mostly held their own against the Trees. Unfortunately, the last team with the ball won, and Stanford won as time expired. It was a disappointing loss but the outcome was a whole lot better than last year. And for all of my cousins that attended the Oregon schools, great job Beavers! The Ducks had a bye week, sort of. Heck, even we beat the Cougars!




  1. Hi Brant and Regina:

    I love "Life with the Reeds"! What a rollercoaster ride, and also what a humble display of "doing the right thing"! We pray for you often, and we are really pulling for you all.

    Now, on to college football. ....all I can say is "Go Ducks"...."go"....."dadgumit...go!"

    Also, next week is our real "bye" week, getting ready for UCRA to come to the green city the following week. And, as I said before, "dadgumit...go DUCKS!"

    Also, "Go Grayson, you rock my boy!"

    In Him,


  2. Ah, this is a road I'm so familiar with...

    Things are looking better today! Maybe this means that things are finally looking up!

    (next day) No they're not! Back we go!

    Oh well. Still though, from the stories you've shared, he's still receiving the best care he could possibly get. And some problems can't be cured with any kind of therapy, but time and love work miracles.

    Good luck! Go team Reed!
