18 October 2010

Day 337 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

Yesterday was an up day, today was a subdued day.

Grayson is adjusting to his new therapy routine, but it is not a simple process. His ability to focus for more than just a few minutes is a constant issue when it comes to therapy. Today he was able to continue on the treadmill for 15 minutes which is an extended period of time for Grayson. We will continue to watch and observe to see that we are getting value for the cost of this care. Since this is day 2 of day therapy, we will give it some time.




  1. The insurance company isn't helping to pay for his therapy at home?

  2. Good luck with the new therapy! My experience with such things is that the right therapist is the most important factor, because only the right therapist will select, then provide, the right therapy.

    One of the best services the right therapist will provide is to determine which battles are, and are not, worth fighting: because for some challenges, time may be the best, if not only, cure.

    My own route through the therapy system showed me that for my particular neurological nonsense, the only things they were able to provide could be obtained at a significantly lower cost through other means, nice though my therapist and her facility were. Which, I suppose, was a service in itself... after a fashion, given the costs involved leading up to the learning of said lesson.
