16 October 2010

Day 335 – Grayson’s Journey

Dear family and friends

One of the problems with writing this blog when I'm three time zones away is that my bedtime sometimes interferes with the reporting of the news! Here is some activity that didn't make it into yesterdays posting:

Xixi and Austin came over on Friday after the inauguration of USC's new president. Xixi spent some time reading with Grayson. She would read a paragraph then have Grayson read one in an attempt to keep him engaged. By all counts she was successful. It's good to have a chemical engineer as your reading buddy!

Lauren, Regina, Xixi, Austin and Grayson then went out to see a movie. Grayson sat between Regina and Austin and Grayson was so happy to be sitting next to his brother. He was well behaved all through the movie.

Today was a low key day for Grayson. He was low energy all day and it was difficult to motivate him to do anything – so typical of brain injury! He and Regina watched the game, and the Trojans won, squeaking by Cal 48-14. How 'bout those Ducks, Doug – a bye week and it looks like they will move into #1! Now we just need to find them some decent uniforms…




  1. Hi Brant!

    Nice "squeek" over Cal! And the Ducks are learning that it is better not to play some times....just let the other tough guys loose, and then move up in the polls! I'm sure the Ducks have a decent uniform somewhere in their closet [with some unbeliveable number of combinations and permutations, there ought to be one in there somewhere that is decent...it all depends upon the taste of the beholder!]

    Now, this Thursday the Ducks have to find a way to "ruin the Bruin".

    I love the "visual" of Austin and Grayson sitting next to each other in a movie! What a kick that must have been! I have the feeling that some mischief may result under the right conditions... When Adam and Abel get into the same room, nothing is safe!

    In Him,


  2. Football isn't the only thing going on. Don't forget that the Giants beat the Phillies in game one yesterday. Lawrence, ever the faithful Giant fan since 1954, is straining to see them in the World Series. We can always hope. Meanwhile, we're praising God for opening the way to home therapy training for Grayson!
